
Donate Generously to Shibganj Integrated Development Society (SIDS)

Every support counts. Every donation is BIG to us

Thank you for your interest in supporting Shibganj Integrated Development Society. All donations will be used directly for the development of the needy and disadvantaged people of Sundarbans in India. Donations from Indian citizens to SIDS are exempted under section 80G of Income Tax Act.

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Support our drive in distribution of ration and coronavirus kits among YAAS, AMPHAN and COVID-19 affected families.

Why is important the Coronavirus Relief in Sundarbans?

The Sundarban is isolated and coastal area. The people of this area belong very poor families and they have no source of income without labour. So the labourers of about each family go to other states for regular jobs. During lock down period they have come back at their houses. During this period there is no works for huge labourers. The poor families who have no other source of income are suffering food problems and they have no capability to purchase masks, sanitizer etc. for preventive measures. They have no ability to purchase necessary foods during this critical crisis. The Sundarbans is communication gap and coastal zone area. About 90% people are very poor. Food, clothes and preventive measures for Coronavirus are emergency required to them. The organization has no sufficient fund to distribute them. The govt. help is not sufficient. Under the circumstances, we believe that the donor partners and kind hearten persons will support them with their assistance.

Why is need ration for the YAAS/AMPHAN affected people in Sundarbans?

The target area is located in the Sundarbans in India of which every islands has been crisscrossed by rivers. It is the largest delta in the world and at the mouth of Bay of Bengal. Recently, the area has been seriously affected by the cyclonic storm AMPHAN and YAAS. Many houses have been destroyed and the agricultural field has totally been damaged by overflowing saline water. The population of the area is fully dependable on agriculture, wood cutting, fishing, etc. Cyclones are natural events. The Indian sub-continent is the worst affected part in the world as far as loss of lives and financial losses are much more. The frequent disasters nullify the development of several years and turn the clock back for these vulnerable families. The Sundarbans is also susceptible to natural calamities because of its geographical location and island set up. Cyclone, storm surge, flood or excessive rainfall are observed in the Sundarbans. So, the people of Sundarbans have become jobless and poverty has been companions in their life.

What do we need from you?

We request your support and contribution in these difficult times to overcome the current situation. Your donations will help us to mobilize funds and to cater the kits and ration among the very poor affected persons.

What we do?

In order to fast track solutions for cure and handle the current pandemic, we have dedicated ourselves to this cause.

  • Providing masks, sanitizer, soap, etc. among very poor families from our limited sources.
  • Creating awareness among the poor and illiterate persons.
  • Providing ration to the affected families in a limited area.
  • Giving advice for testing, if any symptoms are seen.

What will happen once you donate?

  • We will be submitting to you a detailed report of beneficiaries who have been assisted through your donations.
  • You will enable a positive change in the society.
  • It will be a noble work that could set examples for others to walk your path.
See more: Website-

Join our mission to build bright future of women with sustainable livelihood.

Why is need skill development training for women in Sundarbans?

The target area is located in the Sundarbans in India of which every islands has been crisscrossed by rivers. It is the largest delta in the world and at the mouth of Bay of Bengal. Recently, the area has been seriously affected by the cyclonic storm AMPHAN and YAAS. Many houses have been destroyed and the agricultural field has totally been damaged by overflowing saline water. The population of the area is fully dependable on agriculture, wood cutting, fishing, etc. Cyclones are natural events. The Indian sub-continent is the worst affected part in the world as far as loss of lives and financial losses are much more. The frequent disasters nullify the development of several years and turn the clock back for these vulnerable families. The Sundarbans is also susceptible to natural calamities because of its geographical location and island set up. Cyclone, storm surge, flood or excessive rainfall are observed in the Sundarbans.

The poor women of the Sundarbans are very neglected by her husband or her family members. They have no source of income. There is no regular jobs for the women. Violence against women has become a prominent topic of discussion in this area. The general health of women of all ages is often neglected. The number of suicide case of female has been increasing day by day. The vocational training on Tailoring, bag making, Jam, Jelly production, Papad making, etc. is required in this moment for their livelihood and self-sufficiency. Women empowerment will come permanently by this way.

What we do?

We have a dedicated volunteers who tries to communicate with the needy and disadvantaged people of the target area of operation. Once they surveyed Six villages under South 24 Parganas district and submitted the following report to the authorities of SIDS.

  • Most of the women of the poor families proposed to be self employed on any business through vocational training.
  • Most of the women want permanent job and social status as well as their rights.
  • We organized three times vocational training for the poor women and after successful training they have been self supported.


What do we need from you?

We think Your support and contribution will help us to organize various types of vocational training for women for their sustainable livelihood. Women empowerment will come by this way.

What will happen once you donate?

  • We will be submitting to you a detailed report of beneficiaries who will be benefitted through vocational training by your donations.
  • You will enable a positive change in the society.
  • It will be a noble work that could set examples for others to walk your path
See more: Website-

Join our mission to supply sanitary pads among poor adolescents and imparting them health education with menstrual hygiene.

Why is need Health education for adolescents in Sundarbans?

About 21% of Indian population is adolescents. Adolescence is a phase of rapid growth and development during which physical, physiological and behavioral changes occur. Young and growing children have poor knowledge and lack of awareness about physical and psychological changes that occurs during adolescence. Adolescent health programs are fragmentary at present and there is no comprehensive program addressing all the needs of adolescents. Lack of accurate information, absence of proper guidance, parent’s ignorance, lack of skills and insufficient services from health care delivery system are the major barriers. But the adolescents are the future of the nation, forming a major demographic and economic force.

Adolescence is a beautiful period of life and generally a healthy one. One of the most common health concerns among adolescents girls in our country is under nutrition and anemia. One third of the adolescent girls in India are under weight and as per the NFHS 3 data, 56% are anemic. Many of the girls are born with deficient iron stores because their mothers were anemic during pregnancy. Poor cognitive functions and general ill health affect their potential to achieve the best in studies and other activities.

Poor menstrual hygiene and early sexual exposure can lead to reproductive tract infections with long term morbidities. Sexually transmitted infections may persist as chronic or recurrent infections and may lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease involving cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Vaginal and cervical epithelium is immature in this age and is more susceptible to infections. Early unprotected sexual activity exposes them to the risk of HIV infection also. Teenage pregnancies may adversely affect the health of the women and may have long term consequences especially if unsafe abortions are resorted to. Young girls are vulnerable to sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.

Menstruation is a phenomenon unique to all females. Menstruation is generally considered as unclean in the Indian Society. Isolation of the menstruating girls and restrictions being imposed on them in the family, have reinforced a negative attitude towards the phenomenon. The first menstruation is often horrifying and traumatic to an adolescent girls because it usually occurs without her knowing about it. The reaction to menstruation depends upon awareness and knowledge about the subject. it is linked with several misconceptions and practices which sometimes result into adverse health outcomes. Today millions of women are suffers of RTI and its complications and often the infection is transmitted to the offspring of the pregnant mothers.

In sundarbans area, about 90% adolescents belong to poor families. They use the old clothes during menstrual period. Even they do not regular wash the clothes. The adolescents have no any ideas or education about menstrual hygiene. Lack of knowledge is prominent among their mothers. The parents of the adolescents have no ability to purchase the sanitary pads for their daughters. There is no any course in school education. The girls and women after marriage suffer various diseases due to lack of knowledge about Health hygiene during menstrual period. So, imparting health education and supply of sanitary pads to the poor adolescents in Sundarbans are very need during this period.

What do we need from you?

Your support and contribution will protect the adolescents from the hazardous diseases in their life. We will be able to organize trainings for adolescents about health education during their menstrual period. After participation in the training, They will be habituated to use sanitary pads during menstrual period and they will also be aware regarding their health hygiene. 

What will happen once you donate?

  • We will be submitting to you a detailed report of beneficiaries who will be benefitted through these programs by your donations.
  • You will enable a positive change in the society.
  • It will be a noble work that could set examples for others to walk your path.
See more: Website-

There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more.”

- Robert M. Hansel

Why is need services and support for persons with disabilities?

Disability is a part of human condition. Almost everyone will be temporarily or permanently impaired at some point of life and those who survive to old age will experience increasingly difficulties in functioning. Persons with disabilities usually require specialized care for their specific type of disability and they may have additional medical conditions that require attention. Persons with disabilities have fewer opportunities to help others, but with support, almost all of them can find some way to serve others in need.

Additionally, persons with disabilities receive less preventive care and tend to be in worse health than their counterparts without disabilities. Recognize that some disabilities are not visible. If you see someone who appears able-bodied parking in a handicapped spot, don't confront them and accuse them of lacking a disability; they may have a disability you cannot see. Sometimes called "invisible disabilities," disabilities that cannot be immediately seen are still disabilities. Services and supports to persons with disabilities are required to enable them in the society,

What we do

We organize workshops/orientation camps for the persons with disabilities with our very poor fund. We distribute ration kit among them at the emergency period. We are not satisfied in our activities for them. Because of we have no sufficient fund. But we have been trying to do something for them. This is our one objective of our organization.

What do we need from you?

Your support and contribution will protect the persons with disabilities in their life. We will be able to organize vocational trainings for their livelihood. We will also be able to organize seminars/ workshops/ orientation camps etc. with them for creating strong mentality and making them as a general citizen. Various types of appliances will be supplied to them as their need.

What will happen once you donate?

  • We will be submitting to you a detailed report of beneficiaries who will be benefitted through various types of activities and programs by your donations.
  • You will enable a positive change in the society.
  • It will be a noble work that could set examples for others to walk your path.
See more: Website-

Educate and raise the masses, and thus alone a nation is possible”.

- Swami Vivekananda

Why is need child education ?

Education is important for children because they are the future of the world and they should be updated with current affairs. They are the pillars of the nation. The children are the weapons to build the nation with all their knowledge and education. For a modern society, education is very important. The old values of education and ethics have been sweeping slowly, so it is the right time to get educated by inculcating the history to the students.

Education is necessary at the childhood stage, this is the period where it provides them a chance to develop mentally, physically and develop social awareness in them. It gives them experience and confidence to face the outside world. It is a stage to express them. It is dangerous if they went in a wrong path. If a child is joined in a school, they will start learning, playing and enjoy with friends. While learning they will understand what position they are in acquiring knowledge and will try to slowly grab the top position. While playing they will understand what is the logic to win it. School education contribute immensely to the development of the young minds as they step into adulthood. School is the foremost fountain of the knowledge. In the Sundarbans area, the poor children faces in various problems like non availability of Govt. aided F. P. school at their nearest area, inability of their parents to purchase teaching materials, books, dress and supply nutritious food to their children, health checkup, etc.

What we do ?

We run a pre- primary school in a remote area of Sundarbans with our limited resources. The very poor students come to our school. We supply some teaching materials, dress, books to the children. We cannot supply any food. Medical checkup is very required for them, but we are unable to pay doctor’s fees. The school building is rented and no sufficient infrastructure.

What do we need from you?

The poor children of remote area will get proper education with your support and contribution. Nutritious food will be supplied every day for their good health. Necessary teaching materials, books, dress will be supplied to the students. Health checkup will be done timely. Infrastructural development will be done and environment of education will be created.

What will happen once you donate?

  • We will be submitting to you a detailed report of distribution of teaching materials, infrastructural development, distribution of nutritious food to the .students who will be benefitted through the school by your donations.
  • You will enable a positive change in the society.
  • It will be a noble work that could set examples for others to walk your path.
See more: Website-

Join our mission for distribution nutritious food among poor children and supply of

ration to senior citizens for their livelihood.

Why are need food and clothes for poor senior citizens?

In India, many senior citizens live their life lavishly. They are not only enjoining the joy of essentials but also have what they want and desire, a luxurious living providing them an extra comfort. On the other hand , there are many senior citizens who cannot even afford the basic requirements of living. They do not have shelter to live, food to eat and clothes to wear. Poor people do not get enough clothing, food, education and health care. Especially, the poor senior citizens hardly get opportunities. They have inadequate nutrition, higher risk of diseases, and lack access to Health care and have no basic essentials for living.

The cost of food, housing, health care and transportation -are too much that the senior citizens are always neglected from their dependents. Meanwhile, health care cost are rising. So, the condition of the senior peoples is very woeful. In many cases, their sons and daughters do not look after their parents. So, minimum basic requirements like food, clothes, simple medicines are required for them free of cost.

What we do?

The members of Our organization has always sympathy to the senior citizens. We distribute food and clothes occasionally among the poor senior citizens. We have no sufficient fund to distribute food and clothes always. But these are very important to supply them. Sometimes, the members of our organization make various types of arrangements for their treatment.

What do we need from you?

Helping the poor and needy people is a good deed. Caring for the poor and needy people and donating them is a noble endeavor. The more you give to poor and needy people, the more you strengthen their dependency. If you give them the chance or opportunity, you’ll see an effective and long-lasting improvement in their lives. The right to meals and nourishment is a vital right for all human beings. Food is an essential element without which human beings cannot survive.

What will happen once you donate?

  • We will be submitting to you a detailed report of distribution of food, clothes, medicines, etc. among senior citizens.
  • You will enable a positive change in the society.
  • It will be a noble work that could set examples for others to walk your path
See more: Website-