Ways to donate
SIDS has been working in their target area from its limited resources for the development of the target groups. They realized that to fulfill their mission for the service of the people, it is very necessary of the economic help from the kind hearted men or donor partners in India or abroad. The people have been utterly embarrassed in this area for their ignorance, lack of education, poor economic condition, poor health facilities, lack of awareness about various subjects etc. The details of the harassment are mentioned below.
Violence against women
India is the second most populated country in the world. The population of South 24 Parganas district as per 2011 Census report.is 81,61,961. The male and female population is 4173778 : 3988183 The literacy rate much less in comparison with male literacy. Higher mortality among women has resulted in negative sex ratio in the population. Poor women are being forcibly exploited and they are becoming victims of various types of social evils such as child marriage, brutal murder of women due to various reasons, sexual crimes, domestic violence, child and women trafficking, alcohol practices and tortured on women and child by male members, etc.
Health hazardous
People in rural areas face some different health issues than people who live in towns and cities. Getting health care can be a problem when we live in a remote area. Any people might not be able to get to a hospital quickly in an emergency. Rural areas often have fewer doctors and certain specialists might not be available at all. Access to health care services is critical to good health, yet rural residents face a variety of access barriers. The obstacles face by the inhabitants in rural areas are poor health literacy, social stigma and privacy issue, poor economic conditions, lack of transparency services, social- cultural factors, etc.
Adolescent’s health conditions
Adolescence is a beautiful period of life and generally a healthy one. From this age they suffer from the reproductive, sexual, nutritional, mental and behavioral problems. Menstruation and menstruation practices are still bounded by socio-cultural restriction and taboos resulting in adolescents girls remain ignore of scientific facts and hygiene practices during menstruation in this area. About 60-65% girls use old cloth during the periods. The usual practice is to wash the cloth with soap after use and keep it unhygienic places till the next menstrual period. Even majority of the girls do not wash the cloth with soap, it only wash by pond water in the region of Sundarbans.
Malnutrition among women and Children
Poor health condition of the people is one of the most dominating factors to lead the progress and development with changing pattern. Due to domination of their cultural taboos, illiteracy and poverty, they are depending on their traditional way of health care. Malnutrition is a major problem not only in the Sundarbans area but all over India. Women and children are most sufferer due to inadequate and imbalanced food intake. .
Scarcity of safe drinking water and sanitation
Sundarbans faces severe saline flood, disaster, cyclone, etc. almost every year. As a result of the existing water resources remain out of use for at least 3/4 months. Scarcity of safe drinking water in the villages of Sundarbans is acute. The existing tube wells are very distance. The families of this area go to fetch drinking water about 1 km in distance at some places. The people are to depend on pond or tank water for drinking and domestic use. So the people of this area face epidemic of water born diseases in the rainy and summer seasons.
For women and girls sanitation is important for their health, safety and dignity. For women and adolescent girls, toilets provide a space to manage their menstrual hygiene and are an important measure in lowering the risk of harassment when defecating in the open around dusk and dawn. There is no sanitation toilets at each house in the sundarbans. The family is being divided day by day and the majority separated family has no toilets. As a result, the toilets problems are same.
People addiction to Tobacco smoking
Use of Tobacco/Alcohol among men and women of Sundarbans is increasing day by day. Even alcohol use in the pregnant stage in this area is seen. Increasing cancer of lung, mouth, uterus and stomach and premature birth and low birth weight are seen in the region.
Inaccessibility of quality Education
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. There is no good accessibility to education of primary and pre-primary pupils in some places in Sundarbans. Due to lack of finance the education of the poor meritorious students has been hampering. Even the poor boys and girls are not getting proper food, school instruments during school period.
Deforestation, loss of biodiversity and Environmental pollution
The Sundarbans has been affected by strong winds, severe cyclonic storms, floods, subsidence, salinity in the past which have caused widespread devastation to human settlements and claimed many lives and the loss of much agricultural land. To protect themselves the settlers tried to adapt themselves to these adverse environmental conditions by building embankments and shelters. But often these proved ineffective in the face of colossal cyclonic storms waves. Thus one is forced to think of natural ways to protect a region famous for its bio-diversity and unique eco-system.
It is now widely believed that ruthless destruction of mangrove forests, destruction of seeds of various fish in the process of catching tiger prawn seeds, elimination of different species of flora and fauna are the major reasons for the recurrence of cyclonic disasters in the Sundarbans. .
Poor conditions in all respects of persons with disabilities
Disability is complex and the interventions required to overcome disability disadvantages. Cultivation, fishing, wood cutting, honey collection, daily labour etc. are the main source of income of the people in Sundarbans. So, it is easily supposed that the living conditions of the families is very regrettable.
An appeal to kind hearted persons, donor/partners in India and abroad
We invite you to join SIDS in our quest to make the world more accessible. Find out more about what we do, who we work with and how you can contribute in this section. Your donation will be expended 100 % for the purpose that you will tell us via email. No administrative cost will be deducted from your donation. All the documents against implementation of the program as you wanted will be send to you by email for your satisfaction.