Women empowerment
Community Health Development
Environmental development
Disaster management & COVID-19
Water and Sanitation
Human rights
Sustainable Agricultural Development
Animal Husbandry
Promoting Yogic Culture
Various Awareness programs
Educational Development for coastal poor infants
The aims and objectives of starting the school are the holistic development of a child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. It has also objectives to provide a rich, stimulating and caring environment in which the child feels happy, safe, secure and confident. The Pre-Primary school is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children before begins compulsory education at Primary school. Early childhood care and education is more than preparation for primary school. SIDS started a Pre-Primary school at with 15 students on 2/6/2018. Community contributions are raised from the inhabitants of this block. All expenditures for the school purposes are met up from the own fund of the organization and community contributions. School dress, books, educational materials are supplied among the students. Keeping in mind the future of the students, the organization started Primary school in the year 2022-23. Now both Pre-Primary and Primary school are running
Vocational and handicrafts Training for rural poor women for their self-reliant:
Women's equality and empowerment is one of the sustainable and development goals. Women's and girl's social and economic empowerment also contribute to their ability to pursue their right to a healthy life. In all societies, power is not equally distributed. Economic and social empowerment puts women and girls in a stronger position. The women in Sundarban area have no any ability as skilled worker for their livelihood without agriculture. Handicrafts and vocational training for the self-sufficiency of the women are very required in this area. After becoming financially independent they can build positive relationships, participate in social activities and decision making without being restricted by gender norms.
SIDS organized a training program on Tailoring for rural poor women for their social and economic development in the year 2022-23. The training continued for three months and participant mothers were 10. Handicraft production and development in this village not only creates employment opportunities and income, but also can play a major role in sustainable development. The art and handicrafts sector is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. Various types of Handicrafts training such as making turmeric powder, chili powder, cumin powder, katha sewing, etc. was held during three months in the year 2020-21. The participants was ten female. Packaging, Exporting, raw materials collection, etc. were the subjects during the training period.
Seminar on legal aid:
Women empowerment is the main objectives of SIDS. We implemented a few programs of the legislations enacted to protect the rights of women so as to enable them to achieve equality in all spheres of life. The organization played a role in taking a program in villages with the semi-literate and literate women who are facing greater constraints. As such SIDS has been organizing seminars, workshops, wall writing, leaflets distribution, orientation camps, meetings, etc. to impart legal awareness among women. The overall objectives are to impart practical knowledge about the basic legal rights and remedies provided under women related laws, thereby making them fit to face the challenges in real life situations.
Awareness program on HIV/AIDS
SIDS aims at reducing the vulnerability to AIDS/HIV of population most vulnerable to this virus. The target population includes female sex workers, migrant population and other population who are considered as high risk. We are planning to take necessary schemes in future on the issue by developing effective models for AIDS prevention, care and support, enhance capacity of the targeted population to reduce the vulnerability of mobile populations and their families. SIDS in collaboration with Health department has implemented two awareness programs for vulnerable section of society that are on high risk on HIV/AIDS.
Adolescent's Health Developmnt Programs
Adolescents are a phase of rapid growth and development during which physical, physiological and behavioral changes occur. Morbidity and mortality occurring in this group is mostly due to preventable causes. Young and growing children have poor knowledge and lack of awareness about physical and psychological changes that occurs during adolescence. Adolescent's health programs are fragmentary at present and there is no comprehensive programs addressing all the needs of adolescents. Lack of accurate information, absence of proper guidance, parent's ignorance, lack of skills and insufficient service from health care delivery system are the major barriers. But the adolescents are the future of nation, forming a major demographic and economic force. Our organization has been doing many programs for adolescents like seminars, group meetings, napkin distributions, etc.
Malnutrition Combating Program
Lack of food causes malnutrition in the human body. It happens when the intake of nutrients or energy too high, too low, and poorly balanced. Under nutrition can lead to delayed growth, while a diet that provides too much food, but not necessarily balanced, leads to obesity. Poor diet may lead to a lack of vitamins, minerals and other essential substances. Malnutrition during childhood can lead not only to long term health problems but also to educational challenges and limited work opportunities in the future. Pregnant women, lactating mother and children are the target beneficiaries of the program. The organization distributed child food among the poor families who have malnourished child. Webinar and awareness camp were also organized with the poor mothers and their aged children in rural areas to sensitize them about the dreadful consequences of malnourished children. The organization also provides seeds, fertilizers, and arranges training for cultivation of nutritious vegetables.
Reproductive Child Health (RCH)
Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) is a program that aims at combating and reducing the mortality rates of mothers, infants and children. In RCH camps ante-natal check up of pregnant women, immunization services to children, family planning services to eligible couples are provided free of cost. The RCH program incorporates components for family planning, child survival and safe motherhood, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases/infections, and adolescent health.
Everyone realizes the need for RCH programs in rural and coastal areas of Sundarbans. From a survey report of the coastal area, the authorities of SIDS thought very much about the matter. For lack of fund, they included a few activities into this project and they have selected three poor and disadvantaged villages for implementation of this project. A few orientation camps and seminar conducted in the villages with the pregnant mothers and recently married women and separately two seminars conducted with adolescent girls. The health department co-operated us with resource persons and health related materials.
Biotechnology oriented programs::
Biotechnology is one of the emerging career fields in India. Majority of the farmers in the world use agricultural biotechnology to increase yields, prevent damage from insects and pests and reduce damage done on environment due to farming. Biotechnology has helped improved food quality, quantity and processing. Health, life, quality and expectancy of life have been increased worldwide through the services provided by biotechnology. The students, youths and local people of Sundarbans areas are accustomed to the traditional methods in every sphere of life. Scopes of Biotechnology do not reach to the people anyhow. SIDS has started in this year a few programs on Biotechnology. A few ponds have been excavated for agricultural purpose. Small fish have been released in the ponds for fish farming and economic benefit. Saplings have been planted on the bank of the ponds to protect the environment. Ducks have been farmed in the ponds to maintain the natural balance. Compost fertilizer has been used for plantation. Organic fertilizer without chemicals is used as fish food. Drawing competition was done with students. Our organization emphasizes on biotechnology dependent farming.
Water Resource Management:
Water Resource Management is the process of planning, developing and managing water resources. Water Resource Management also entails managing water related risks, including flood, droughts and contamination. Water scarcity affects more than 40% of the global population. Water related disasters account for 70% of all deaths related to disasters. Proper utilization of water in our homes too can save the precious resource. Water Management teaches us to use a limited amount of water whenever required.
SIDS organized one day workshop on 26/04/2020 at Pathar Pratima Community Hall. Reputed cultivators, Panchayat representatives, local elite persons, social activists, youths and representatives of women organizations were the participants. The participants became aware and realized the importance of water resource. Wall writing was done some places for creating awareness among the people. Some tube wells were chocked for long days. These tube wells were repaired and made serviceable for safe drinking water.
Solid waste management
arbage arising from human or animal activities, that is abandoned as unwanted and useless is referred solid waste. Solid Waste Management, the collecting, treating and disposing of solid material that is discarded. Improper disposal of solid waste can create unsanitary condition, and these conditions in turn can lead to pollution of environment and to outbreaks victor-borne diseases. All hazardous solid waste from a community is required to collect and transport to a processing or disposal site. The organization engages 3 (three) workers for collecting the garbage from small markets, densely populated area and schools and they deliver it to the fertilizer manufacturing plant run by the Gram Panchayat. The organization has been organizing awareness camps occasionally regarding the harmful effects of solid waste and how it can be collected and applied to human health needs.
Installation of solar panel in Sundarban area
The power produced in the country is mostly from coal and it is predicted that country's coal reserves won't last beyond 2040-50. It is high time that our country should concentrate more on energy efficiency, conservation and renewable energy. To meet this surging demand, solar energy is the best form of energy to fulfill the energy needs in India and bridge the energy demand. No greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere when we use solar panels to create electricity. Solar is clean and safe. Use of solar energy will eliminate these unsafe, unclean consequences from using conventional fossil fuels. Uses of solar light not only save the environment but it can also money. The use of solar power in rural areas is a cheaper, cleaner alternative. Thinking the importance of solar light the organization installed a few solar light at the houses of the poor families in Rakshaskhali village in Pathar Pratima block during two years. As the education of the students has improved as well as the senior citizens are leading a healthy life.
Seminar on environmental education about conservation of biological diversity
Biodiversity plays an important role in ecosystem functions. Biodiversity or Biological diversity is a term that describes the variety of living beings on earth. Biodiversity encompasses microorganism, plants, animals and ecosystems such as coral reefs, forests, rainforests, deserts, etc. A seminar on Environmental education about Biological Diversity and Ecosystem of coastal area in Sundarbans held on 03/02/2021 at PatharPratima Community Hall with the financial support of West Bengal Biodiversity Board. The seminar was facilitated by DR. Bibaswan Mondal, Head of the Department of Microbiology, Dum Dum Motijheel College, Kolkata. Sri Sanjoy Nayak, Pradhan, Pathar Pratima Gram Panchayat, Sri Rajbahadur Singh, Karmadhyaksha- Siksha sthayee Samity and Priyaranjan Majhi, Karmadhyaksha, Purt0-O- Karya Sthayee Samity, Pathar Pratima Panchayat Samity were present at the seminar as Special guests. Students, Panchayat representatives, elite persons, youths and others were the participants.
Relief materials distribution among YAAS affected families
One of SIDS's main objectives is to stand by flood victims and provide relief. Recently YAAS cyclone has swept over the Sundarbans. Pathar Pratima block under Sundarbans has been seriously affected by the storm. This time, as every time, SIDS stood by the flood victims and distributed relief items to the flood victims as much as they could. The organization distributed ration (Rice, floor, mustard oil and musur dal) and cooked meal and drinking water to the victims.
Relief distribution among AMPHAN affected families
The project area of SIDS is Sundarban. The Sundarban has seriously been affected by the cyclonic storm AMPHAN. The people of this area are dependable on agriculture, fishery, daily labor, etc. Due to cyclonic storm, agricultural field and fishery have been damaged by the overflowing of saline water and the houses of the poor families have been fully destroyed. During this period, there was no scope of work for the daily labors. SIDS distributed Tarpaulins-40 Nos., Dhuti-20 Nos., Saree-20 Nos., Rice- 6 quintals, Flour-240 kg, Musur dal- 120 kg and Edible oil-30 litres among 60 nos. of poor families in Daspur village. The members of the organization collected the money from the donors as donation. Local people helped the organization for relief distribution. Local administration and Panchayats gave thanks to the authority.
Awareness programs on COVID-19:-
Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease. Corona virus are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in humans and animals. It has rapidly spread in the world. The poor families of this area have no basic ideas regarding prevention of Corona virus disease. The laborers of the poor families go to other states and other countries like Saudi Arab, Katar for regular jobs. Many go to other districts like Burdwan, Hooghly, Jalpaiguri for working at cold storages, rice mills, etc. After declaration of lock down by the Govt. the laborers came back to their houses and then the Corona virus disease is rapidly increasing in the target area. Door to door visit by the volunteers for creating awareness among the people and maiking announcement is also done in the target villages. Masks, sanitizer and soap distributed among the poor families for increasing their habits. Rice, flour, etc. were distributed among jobless poor families but affected by Corona virus. A few awareness programs were organized with the ignorant poor mothers.
Ration distribution among poor senior citizens:-
Food and healthcare security among the senior citizens is an emerging fact that requires absolute attention in the caring of the senior citizens. Caring for old fathers and mothers in every culture and religion in the world is acceptable practice and norms. However due to individualism, time constraints and an eroded cultural values which brings negligence for others, most elderly people in the world suffering to live and at least have happy ending. There are numerous elderly people who exposed to various life problems living in block areas. These older persons are vulnerable to poverty, food insecurity, limited access to social and health services.
The goal of the project is create decent living condition and happy ending in their terminal life. The activity of the project was to provide dry ration which included Rice, Musur dal, and Oil to the old aged people of Rakshaskhali and Govindapur Abad villages. The organization distributed this ration during 10 months among 50 poor aged people who have no one to look after
Installation of Tube well for safe drinking water
Water is a fundamental human need. Each person on earth requires at least 20 to 50 litres of clean, safe water a day for drinking, cooking and simply keeping themselves clean. Safer water could prevent child's death from diarrhea and malnutrition and death's from malaria. The human body is made of 60% water and this is a clear enough indication of the importance of water. Clean water is vital to our health, communities and economy. People depend on clean water for their health. Our cherished way of life depends on clean water. Polluted water is not just dirty- it is deadly. People die every year of diarrheal diseases. If clothes are washed or the body is washed with contaminated water, this too will result in the rise of diseases. So clean water is very necessary for good health of all aged people. As per local need of the people the organization have been installed some tube wells in the last three years.
Construction of toilets
The overall purpose of good sanitation is to provide a healthy living environment for everyone, protect the natural resources such as surface water, ground water and soil and provide safety, security and dignity for people. Using toilets prevents germs from getting into the environment and protects the health of the whole community. Good sanitation would not prevent infections without practicing good hygiene. A simple habit of washing hands goes a long way towards preventing diseases. SIDS constructed some individuals' toilets during last three years at Dakshin Laxminarayanpur village. The fund collected from the donor persons and has expended properly for that purpose.
Vocational training on Carpentry for rural youths
One of the salient features of SIDS is to create income generation opportunities for the unemployed poor youths. SIDS organized a vocational training on Carpentry with eight poor youths for three months. The main objective of this training was to create a basic knowledge among the youths and to create interest in this vocational training. Throughout ancient history until our modern era, every civilization in the world has used wood to create useful as well as beautiful and decorative objects. Woodworking, in fact, was one of humankind's first skills. After training, the trainees will primarily be able to do any type of works of the doors, windows, flooring, roofs and almost every other wood component of a structure. A six –month course is required to make furniture. Due to lack of funds it was not possible for us to do this training properly.
Webinar on child trafficking
Child trafficking is an issue that is extremely prevalent in India and it is continuing grow rapidly. The trafficking of young girls under the age of 18 has grown over the last decades according to the National Crime Record Bureau. These have been numerous reports about the increase of trafficking of children in the Sundarbans. In some cases, children are taken from their homes to be bought and sold in the market. In other cases, children are tricked into the hands of traffickers by being presented an opportunity for a job. Mainly children are trafficked into the Sundarbans for various reasons such as labour, begging and sexual exploitation. Some of the root causes of child trafficking in Sundarbans are poverty, lack of education and the need to financially support their family, when children are offered work. Action against child trafficking in India is being taken at many levels. Any gaps in the implementation of schemes and laws are largely filled in by NGOs that work to address different aspects of this issue. SIDS organized awareness programs to aware the common people especially women and women with children in the islands areas.
Seminar on Child Rights
In India, 23.6 million children live without parental care. These children, who have been temporarily or permanently separated from their biological families, need protection in the form quality alternative care. Girl's education is often considered the lowest priority. The National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) also echoes similar worries that around 39.4 per cent of adolescent's girls in the 15-18 age groups are not attending any educational institution. SIDS has been organizing seminars with the parents especially women who have been suffering from these problems. Address of child protection care, various types of child rights, child health and child marriage, child trafficking, etc. are discussed in the seminar.
Promotion and protection of Human rights
Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. Human rights are basic rights that humans have by virtue of being humans, regardless of age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion, or any other differentiating factor. These are the standards to protect the dignity of an individual and grant basic rights that enable a basic tenet by which we live in a society.
Towards empowering the local communities and empowering them to demand the protection of their human rights, we organized mass awareness camps on human rights for the promotion and protection of human rights. Towards making children aware of human rights and also to their rights as children and youth, we conducted awareness sessions in school. One workshop was organized with target women and it helped to raise awareness on gender-based discrimination and structural barriers hindering women's leadership roles in economic activities in households and communities in the local context. The workshops will help in empowering the women to demand their basic rights and also enable them to fight against discrimination
Sustainable Agricultural Development
The economic development of the inhabitants of Sundarbans depends solely on agriculture. The most commonly cultivated crops include paddy, chilly, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, dal, etc. The targeted villages have two distinctive seasons for crop cultivation; the first season is from October to January and second season between February to June. Though the agriculture production has improved in Sundarbans over the last decade, it has not yet reached its true potential. For development of sustainable agricultural practices, the organization adopted a few strategies which are: Farmers trainings, Field visit and workshop, Supply IEC materials, Supply seeds, Fertilizers and modern instruments. Our teams undertook a baseline study to understand the existing agriculture scenario in the identified sites before starting the projects. Rural cultivators of under Pathar Pratima block in South 24 Parganas district of Sundarbans in West Bengal are the target beneficiaries. The projects have been implemented from both community contribution and organization own fund. 50% of the overall beneficiaries under this project were women.
Agriculture and Food Security Program
The objective of the Food security and agriculture productivity is to increase agricultural productivity and enhance access to markets for farmers in rural area. Food security means having, at all times, both physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food security is also essential for India's economic growth since its population depends on agriculture production and distribution for their livelihoods. Hunger and under nutrition may develop when food supplies are scarce.
The secretary of the organization directly realized the death of children due to lack of food. The authorities gave importance on the Food security and agriculture program. A village was brought under this project. Majority beneficiaries were women. Training programs on Agriculture was organized with the selected mothers and farmers for agricultural development through applying modern technology. Fertilizers and seeds were distributed among the farmers for increasing interest in agriculture. Farmers' interest and methods of farming were enhanced through field visits. Fruit seedlings were distributed among the farmers for removing the malnutrition of the people.
Empowering rural women through increasing indigenous animal husbandry
India is an agricultural country and Animal Husbandry is an agricultural activity. It plays an important role in ensuring social justice, poverty alleviation, women empowerment and rural development. Importantly, landless and marginal farmers can increase their family income through animal husbandry. Animals provide us with a variety of food products which have high nutritional values. Dairy products from animals like cows, buffaloes, goats, etc. are rich sources of protein. Animal husbandry provides employment to a large number of farmers and women for their livelihood. In the current scenario, India is the 2nd largest producer of goat meat.
The organization supplied 3 goats to each beneficiary and 8 beneficiaries were selected in the Bhagbatpur village. Rearing rooms were constructed by the organization and fodder and medicine for goats were distributed for six months. Two days training program was organized for the beneficiaries. The Staff always visited the beneficiary's house and provided the required assistance.
Promotic Yogic culture
Yoga is a system of holistic living, having the roots in Indian tradition and culture. Evolved thousands of years back by the Rishis, Yoga techniques are being widely used for meeting the changing health care needs of mankind. Yoga has attracted global attention in recent years. The awareness about Yogic practices is increasing among people from different walks of life, not only for preservation and promotion of health, but also for the management of various diseases. It is felt that the Yoga facility should be propagated at a mass level to more and more people adhering to the classical knowledge, so that people involved in Yoga stream can derive maximum benefits.
The aim of the Yoga fest is to promote, develop and disseminate. Yoga among the general public in all India level for prevention of diseases and health promotion. The organization has prioritized Yoga among its objectives. It has started Yoga exercises with school children of 8-10 years. SIDS also organized the awareness camp about classical tradition of Yoga and scientific aspects of Yoga with the students and their guardians. One trainer is assigned to this training purpose.
Seminar on Road safety
Shibganj Integrated Development Society (SIDS) has been implementing various types of awareness programs on Road safety during last three years. In the year 2020-21, 2021-22, 2023-24 SIDS has implemented various programs on Road safety. The theme of the years was "Road Safety-Jeevan Raksha". Considering the seriousness of Road Safety Week, SIDS organized various programs such as webinar, quiz contest; distribution of Road Safety leaflets; drawing competitions and slogan writing contest so that people follow the safety rules set by Govt. for vehicle safety on the road and also to keep yourself and your loved one's safe. All these programs are organized to develop a positive attitude towards the people to walk and drive safely on the roads.
Seminar on consumer protection act
Consumer awareness is a need of present days. Since we are inspired to buy different products through advertisement but many of them are not qualitative product. Consumer awareness is an act of making sure the buyer or consumer is aware of the information about products, goods, services and consumer rights. Consumer awareness is important so that buyer can take the right decision and make the right choice. With a view to create comprehensive awareness among the people SIDS organized one day Seminar at Dakshin Gangadharpur gram Panchayat. The participants were the local people, students, Panchayat members, SHG members, Youth clubs and others. Wall writing done at important places in the G.P. area.