Vision and Mission
The society will be free from poverty, deprivation and unjust. It will be a self-reliant society based on human values like Cooperation, participation, justice, respect and love where people will participate in the decentralized political process, where the economy will be based on localized production and consumption, the environment will be free from pollution and exploitation, the people will survive with their own indigenous socio-cultural identity.
SIDS strives to provide opportunities for health, education, environment, agriculture, and socio-economic development of the poor and downtrodden people with particular emphasis on differentially vulnerable groups like women, children, the rural poor people and the berated youths.
• Women empowerment along with their self-reliance.
• Development of education and nutrition of coastal infants.
• Ensuring for children their basic human rights to survival, physical and social
development and opportunities to grow to their full potential.
• Create income generation opportunities for the unemployed youths of the rural villages.
• Development of community health especially mother, child and adolescents health.
• Sustainable agricultural development through agriculture and animal husbandry projects.
• Creating safe drinking water and sanitation facilities to develop the health status of the common people.
• Protection of environment and conservation of biological diversity.
• Development of persons with disabilities.
• Development of arts and culture and games and sports.
• Strengthen Self help Groups (SHG) and other community based organizations.
• To stop discriminate factor based on caste, creed, sex, clan and color.
• Agricultural and food security
• Eradication of Hunger
• Development of humanity and respecting human rights.
• Promotion of Yogic culture.